A promise to keep us warm

This stays between our pleasing aches
the cryptic hymns of love and loss,
the tales of warm sunrises
trees whispering stories about the lake house,
this stays between us
a promise,
filled with ambrosial liquid lips
a promise to keep us warm,
below the starry nights of that heavy moon,
barefoot walking and slipping near my village house
I have a snowdrop, a letter, a vintage postcard to keep us warm,
a shade,
a telegram of moist tears
with daffodils attached to the skin,
I have a promise,
shaped as curtains, yellow flowers,
a promise to keep us warm.

Devika Mathur
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  1. Pingback:
    Poetry published – MY VALIANT SOUL
  2. Mukund Trivedi

    Very nicely and beautifully written lines making promises related the natural beauty and human love and attraction wonderful. By ……….Harsha

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